Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
SCHOLARSHIP: I decided to perform academic research within the field of Biochemistry in relation to anemia type and comorbidity risk for my honors project due to my interest in becoming a healthcare professional.
COMMUNICATION: I then prepared a proposal, annotated bibliography, final honors thesis, and poster presentation using my honors research and communicated my results to my peers at Drury Fusion Day and fellow honors students and faculty at the Great Plains Honors Conference in Wichita Falls, TX.
HOLISTIC UNDERSTANING: Through taking honors courses, attending honors events, and completing honors projects at Drury, I have realized how important interdisciplinary studies are to this community and culture and how they cultivate greater learning opportunities by combining the humanities, social sciences, biological sciences, and the arts to have a better understanding of complex human life, the problems we face, and the world we live in.
REAL-WORLD APPLICATION: For my honors project, I decided to analyze a database to examine the relationship of anemia type of comorbidity risk. This idea stemmed from topics I was learning inside the classroom that I was then able to focus on outside the classroom to explore a new topic using the skills I had obtained. My idea of analyzing a dataset came from my data analytics certificate, in which I learned how to export, clean, organize, analyze, visualize, and communicate results regarding dataset findings. Studying anemia and comorbidity risk stemmed from my personal career goals of wanting to enter the medical field, while I was learning about the importance of the protein hemoglobin in Advanced Human Physiology with Dr. Deeds and Biochemistry with Dr. Day. Thus, I was able to use classroom experience to develop a unique honors project that interested me and prepared me for my future career goals.
LEADERSHIP: I exhibited leadership throughout my time at Drury University within my various clubs, organizations, and work-related responsibilities. As a member of a philenthropic organization for women, we gather together to conduct fundrasing opportunities for women all over the world and their educational pursuits. I serve monthly as the technology committee for this club by organizing Zoom meetings. I also serve weekly on worship team at my church--University Heights Baptist Church. Lastly, I have mentored two pre-med coworkers of mine and trained them at my workplace, Mattax Neu Prater Eye Center, as a medical screener and ophthalmic technician.
ETHICS: I try to uphold my values and beliefs every day and in all that I do in order to be true to myself while also doing what I think is right and that benefits those around me. I have always believed in a true right and wrong, and this plays heavily into the medical field, as patient care involves upholding human ethics to the best of one's ability to provide patient-centered care that is safe, kind, and evokes a comforting environment.
My mission statement for this honors portfolio is to educate others about the prevalence of anemia and the health risks that come with this condition, as well as, detailing my journey through Drury University's honors program, explaining how this program has benefitted me as an aspiring healthcare professional.